· Rolls should be stored on their ends under cover and protected from extreme temperatures & sunlight (15-20 deg C storage is ideal)
· Take particular care with the edges of rolled film – product should be stored in carton provided.
· Wrapped bales should only be handled with purpose-build equipment to avoid damage to the film. Handling should be kept to a minimum.
· Film will not degrade due to Ultra Violet rays for up to 12 months from date of exposure. Wrapped bales should be used within 12 months.
· Bales should be stored away from sharp objects and fenced to prevent livestock access. Additional protection may be required against rodents and birds. A well drained level site is ideal.
· Bales can be stacked 1-3 high depending on Dry Matter(DM) content and bale density ie: single layered if low DM or poor density.
· Bales should be regularly checked and any damage repaired quickly using UV adhesive patches.
· Some chemicals accelerate film degradation including herbicides, fertilizers, mineral oils and impregnated sisal twine. These substances should not come into contact with the bale wrap film.